A Tradition of Leadership

Supporting the Baltimore region and community through vision and strategy for 40 years.


The President and CEO of Mohler Communication Strategies Don Mohler recently completed his term as Baltimore County Executive, serving as the Chief Executive of the third largest county in Maryland, a county that is larger than four states, representing over 830,000 residents, 21,000 businesses with a $3.15 billion operating and $700 million capital budget. Don spent his entire career in public service.  He began as a respected teacher, principal and central office administrator, including the responsibility of Assistant Superintendent for Communications and Community Outreach. Don served as a key advisor to four superintendents. Using the skills and lessons learned in the public education arena, Don then served as Communications Director and Chief of Staff to Baltimore County Executives Jim Smith and Kevin Kamenetz. He provided operational assistance by managing special projects and public events, reporting directly to the Baltimore County Executive, while managing access to the Executive. Don managed the organization’s internal and external communications, with an expertise in the area of crisis communication.

The Front Porch

Read Don's blog for the latest on government, politics, life and a little of this and a little of that. Join him on the Front Porch.

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We Are Broken…. But

By Don Mohler | July 30, 2021 | Comments Off on We Are Broken…. But

By Don Mohler I am angry. You are angry. Hell, the entire nation is angry. But what makes this such a challenging time is that we are not all angry about the same things. I am angry that we have developed vaccines that dramatically prevent the spread of COVID, but that in much of the…

Dads Come in All Shapes and Sizes

By Don Mohler | June 19, 2021 | Comments Off on Dads Come in All Shapes and Sizes

By Don Mohler Note: This blog is republished annually on Father’s Day weekend.  It was originally published on June 15, 2019 and is meant to be a reminder that dads, and families, do indeed come in all shapes and sizes.  “Thanks mom.”  Yep, that’s right. Thanks mom. I know it’s Father’s Day, but sorry dads.…

Broken Promises and Why Lindsey Graham is Right

By Don Mohler | May 12, 2021 | Comments Off on Broken Promises and Why Lindsey Graham is Right

By Don Mohler I like to keep my word. It is one of the things that I pride myself on, and it is one of the traits that I value in friends and family. That is why I regret that I am about to renege on a promise that I made to all of my…

A Sunshine Boy and the Golden Girl

By Don Mohler | March 10, 2021 | Comments Off on A Sunshine Boy and the Golden Girl

By Don Mohler With apologies to Dr. Theodore Geisel: They screamed and they shouted and jumped up and down. “If they cancel our culture, we’ll wear a big frown.” But Joe didn’t hear. He showed up every day. And we smiled when he said, “Yes, your help’s on the way!” President Joe Biden’s approval rating…

Beneath the Glitz Hope Still Abounds

By Don Mohler | February 26, 2021 | Comments Off on Beneath the Glitz Hope Still Abounds

This edition features guest commentary. By Jeff Mohler Buffalo wings, nachos, commercials, pregame festivities, halftime shows, and a battle between the two best football teams on the planet. Is there any more entertaining and unifying sporting event than the Super Bowl?  Sure, the festivities looked and felt a little different this year.  And yes, the…

The Gospel According to Blutarsky with a Dose of HR 1

By Don Mohler | February 6, 2021 | Comments Off on The Gospel According to Blutarsky with a Dose of HR 1

By Don Mohler Who doesn’t love classic cinema?  There’s Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Shawshank Redemption, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Schindler’s List, The Godfather (#2 of course), Sophie’s Choice, and without a doubt, Animal House (that groan you hear coming from the other room is my wife). Come on now, be honest. You know that…

Did We Learn Anything?

By Don Mohler | January 17, 2021 | Comments Off on Did We Learn Anything?

By Don Mohler We are almost there. At 12:01 P.M. on January 20, Joseph R. Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. Donald Trump, and the members of his crime family, will no longer haunt the grounds of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Like millions of Americans, I say good riddance. With that historic…

This Is Exactly Who We Are

By Don Mohler | January 7, 2021 | Comments Off on This Is Exactly Who We Are

By Don Mohler Note: Before the ink was dry on this reflection, a group of terrorists, incited by the President of the United States, stormed the United States Capitol in an attempt to overthrow an American election. Given the rhetoric of the Commander in Chief since the day he was elected, this was inevitable. What…

A Candle Cake

By Don Mohler | December 31, 2020 | Comments Off on A Candle Cake

By Don Mohler Every year my wife organizes family photos at the end of the month so that come January 1 she may simply update them with holiday memories, hit send, and wait for the arrival of this year’s edition of “Life in the Ville” to be returned from the publisher. My contribution to this…

But He Knows Us

By Don Mohler | December 20, 2020 | Comments Off on But He Knows Us

By Don Mohler Note: With one month to go until the inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden, today we revisit where it all began. This article was originally published on March 4, 2020. On February 11, 2020 Joe Biden didn’t even stick around for the results to come on the day of the New Hampshire…

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